Tonight on GeekNights, we bring you the exciting conclusion to the GeekNights Worst Webcomic Contest! We want to thank all of our submitters: you're all jerks! Second, we want to thank all of our "entries:" remember that even the "worst" creative output is better than no output! If you're going to do something, OWN it. Before this, however, we geekbite Thundercats, and a pretty-cool Madoka Majica poster is sold for way too much money.
Now, we cover the following comics. Some of them are NOT safe for work. However, they're surprisingly not that bad. Some of them are downright excellent, and some of them are fine, just not for us.
- Mama is... Comic
- Hathor the Cowgoddess
- Ctrl+Alt+Del
- Bob and George
- Sarah Zero
- Kit N Kay Boodle (NSFW)
- The Wotch
- Eletric Retard (NSFW)
- Ctrl+Alt+Del
- So You're a Cartoonist
- Modest Medusa
- xkcd
- Worst Webcomic
- Savage Chickens
- Billy The Heretic (NSFW)
- SpicyTornado
- Station V3
- Chick Tracts
- Ctrl+Alt+Del
- Geeknights Comic One
- Control Alt Delete
- Akuma TH's comics
- CAD-comic
- CtrAltDel
- Electronic Tigers
The winner, by a WIDE margin, is Billy The Heretic. Congratulations?
Things of the Day
Content tagged with contest
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