In the news, OnlyFans sells out its core user base, though the situation is more complex than it appears and other similar entities have complied with the rules that they ran afoul of. Meanwhile, Twitch is doing essentially nothing to curtail a massive wave of targeted attacks on minority and marginalized streamers, leaving them to use inadequate tools to solve a problem that Twitch is 100% responsible for. Join the boycott of Twitch on September 1st!
Things of the Day
- Rym: Tiny Simpsons TV
- Scott: How Plywood Is Made In Factories?
Content tagged with social-media
Not-Working From Home
March 16 2020
Tonight on GeekNights, we consider how to enjoy a social life during times of social …
Peeple's rise and immediate fall
October 5 2015
Peeple was going to be a service where you... reviewed people. It came and went …
The Internets
November 15 2010
Tonight on GeekNights, after touching on a lame geek "IQ" test (come on Infoworld, you …
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