Tonight on GeekNights, we relate our experience at MoCCa Art Fest 2013. We bought less than usual, there were some changes now that it's under the umbrella of the Society of Illustrators, but it was mostly the same old MoCCa we know and love. In the news, the Internet Rage Machine saw a full and complete cycle around the Saga #12 "banning" from the Apple app store, which raises the related question of why Apple treats apps as second class citizens (to movies and books) when it comes to free speech, curation, and censorship. Rym and Emily saw Up On Poppy Hill - Goro Miyazaki's latest movie - and it is frankly excellent. Also, itchy beards.

From MoCCa, check out Pencil Pup, Nurse Nurse, Bunny Mom, Strong Female Protagonist, Khutulun the Wrestler Princess, and some Lemongrab. From GeekNights, check out GeekNights Presents Utena!

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